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4th Elul - Renewal and Resilience

Renewal and Resilience

There is a growing sense of excitement during the month of Elul. We are getting ready for the Great Encounter. Each year, the process is the same, but the conditions are different, unique. Each year, we reflect on the past year, and we try to correct the course of our lives, and each year, we are made aware of the intricate connexions that link our lives to our fellow human beings and to the universe. Despite the changing circumstances of the world around us, this yearly Great Encounter gives us comfort and solace, and helps us to build the necessary resilience that comes with this little piece of certainty. We are the People of resilience. Our ancestors went through many hardships and dangers, and yet, here we are today, ready to write the pages of our next chapter.

Rabbi Dr. Rene Pfertzel LBC 2014 London/France


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