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AGM 2018

Prague 24-26 April 2018

Thank you and Welcome!


In preparation for the EUPJ conference, Regeneration – Building the Future, we are delighted to announce our next ERA Kallah to be held in Prague on 24-26 April 2018 at the Blue Rose Hotel. According to a member of the Prague Progressive community, it is the first time since the Second World War that so many Rabbis will gather in the Czech Republic. The conference will start on Tuesday evening with a special event at the prestigious Charles University. On Wednesday, we will explore the diversity of Progressive Judaism in Europe, the new avenues in liturgy, the recent creations in life-cycle events, and the different definitions of Jewishness. On Thursday morning, we will hold the annual AGM of ERA. This Kallah is open to all Rabbis whose title is recognised by WUPJ standards. However, only Rabbis who are members of ERA will be allowed to vote during the AGM. Colleagues are strongly encouraged to become members of our Rabbinic Assembly. Please register on the EUPJ web site at


This Rabbinic Kallah promises to be an important opportunity to learn and pick up new ideas and information, and to enjoy a warm Jewish gathering. In addition to the kallah, we invite you to register for the EUPJ Biennial Conference, Regeneration – Building the Future, which will follow the kallah and run from 26th to 29th April. Full details can be found on the EUPJ website at


This conference will be an important event with internationally acknowledged speakers and in-depth workshops on topics that will interest us all. In addition, there will be services and special events that will make this conference one that you will never forget.


Registration for workshops, optional Shabbat programmes and tours will take place closer to the event. You will receive an email from us letting you know it is time to choose those parts of the programme. We are currently confirming the conference programme to incorporate issues relevant to all our EUPJ family members: with workshops that reiterate and reaffirm our strong, support for Progressive Judaism and deal with current issues of concern facing us as Jews, wherever we live.


Be sure to check the conference website regularly for updates: Registration for workshops, optional Shabbat programmes and tours will take place closer to the event. You will receive an email from us letting you know it is time to choose those parts of the programme.


If you haven’t already booked your accommodation and want to stay at The Blue Rose Hotel which will be hosting our Kallah, please book your accommodation directly by email to, quoting the reference EUPJ, including your name, room type preference, arrival and departure date. Please refer to the FAQ’s for more hotel details and special room rates. 


If you wish to indicate your interest in our post EUPJ conference tours 29th April – 1st May, please enter Yes on the EUPJ registration form and if you forgot, please advise Deborah Grabiner on


If you would like to make a donation in order to help a young adult or student rabbi attend our conference, you can do so by clicking here.


On behalf of your Rabbinic Kallah Organising Committee we look forward to your joining us in Prague for our Rabbinic Kallah and at REGENERATION - Building the Future.


René Pfertzel and Celia Naval for ERA

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