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A Jewish progressive voice for Europe

ERA is the assembly of progressive rabbis, liberal rabbis, and reform rabbis serving synagogues of the EUPJ in Europe. It strives to give progressive, liberal, and reform Judaism a voice in Europe, help network and support its rabbis, and harmonize their work across Europe.

Next Kallah in Geneva
8th-10th September 2024

I am delighted to announce that we are planning our first post-covid rabbinic kallah, open to all ERA rabbis and to the fourth and fifth year students from the European rabbinic training colleges.

The dates of the Kallah will be from Sunday 8th till Tuesday 10th September, and we will be organising it around the following themes :

  • Perceptions of giyyur in our communities

  • Community and "liturgical" responses to October 7th

There will be time to socialise and meet each other outside of the formal programming.

With the support of GIL community in Geneva, we can offer this opportunity at the price of 100 euros for full time rabbis, and 50 euros for students, part time rabbis, and retired rabbis. We are looking for cheap-ish accomodation etc to recommend to you all and will update as soon as possible with the details.

Shortly a form will go out for registration. purposes etc.
Looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible there.


Sylvia Rothschild
Chair of ERA

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